Autism Aware
Autism Aware Autism Aware

Causes of Behaviour

Behaviour Issues, Causes of Behaviour


This section focuses on how the environment itself can have a negative impact on how a person...

Behaviour Issues, Causes of Behaviour


This section explains how both simple and more acute medical conditions can have a negative influence on...

Behaviour Issues, Causes of Behaviour

Medical Intervention

This section explains how the right diagnosis and medical intervention can help to reduce problem behaviour.

Behaviour Issues, Causes of Behaviour

Communication Challenges

This section focuses on how poor communication skills can lead to problem behaviour. It describes how effective...

Behaviour Issues, Causes of Behaviour

Communication Intervention

This section demonstrates the use of various communication tools and techniques that can have a positive influence...

Behaviour Issues, Causes of Behaviour

Sensory Processing Issues

This section explains how difficulties with sensory processing can lead to problem behaviour. The difference between hyposensitivity...

Behaviour Issues, Causes of Behaviour

Tantrum Vs Meltdown:

The difference between a tantrum and a meltdown is discussed, and the different approaches to interventions for...